Saturday 8 August 2015

10 Ways Conferences Can Help Shape Your Career

All of us dream about a successful career which keeps us contended. While some of us already have it, many of us are still looking for it. A conference in your choice of field is a great way to shape your career and attain the desired level of satisfaction.

1. Helps in Exploring Yourself: Since the conferences deals with a lot of events which makes you do things which you are not comfortable with. This helps you get out of your comfort zone. Yes! We know, getting out of comfort zone is intimidating. But come on! It’s called comfort zone because it’s what you are good at and that won’t help you grow. Conferences helps you get out of this zone and delve in other qualities that may have been dormant till date.

2. Gaining Knowledge: Conferences brings forth experts from all over the world under the same roof. The panel discussions are worth your time as you can see world class speakers battling out their respective view points. You’ll obviously be gaining knowledge from all these. You may be an expert in your own field but you never know what new ideas one might come up with and a conference is a great place to get a hang of all this. This knowledge will help you in the long run to explore further into a particular topic.

3. Birds of a feather, Flock Together: One of the best feelings in the world is to come in contact with someone who has the same thought process as do you. When you visit a conference on your field of interest, high chances are that you will come face o face o other individuals with a like minded view. This will help you to discuss problems and come up with better and unique solutions to them which in turn will allow you to enhance your career further.

4. Getting to Know the Big Shots: Conferences are often visited by the heads of industries and pioneers who are often invited as guests speakers. If you are patient enough to hang around till the end of their speeches, there are high chances that you will get to talk to them face to face and discuss your ideas with them. The mere fact of listening to them and getting an idea of grow they look at problems and solve them, how they approach at a particular topic is inspiring enough.

5. Rejuvenation: The daily routine one follows every day often tends to dull them out. I mean, how long can one just get in the office, do their job and still be  inspired? It often makes us get comfortable in the zone and not to mention very tired. Getting out of this daily routine and exploring various ideas related to the field often evokes our though process and keeps our passion alive. It will help you get a grip of why you chose the particular field in the first place and keep you going at it.

6. Staying on Top of the Ladder: If you want to get ahead of the game, conferences are one of the best ways by which you can do so. Want to know why? You will be able to listen and learn from people who are considered to be pioneers and trendsetters in their particular field. Not only do they have a different angle of thinking but also can they inspire you to think from a varying angle. Also you get to view what’s going around in the world.

7. Direct Contact: This is the age of technology, people are achieving great heights with the help of the same. Gaining information about a company or a person is now as easy as just clicking a mouse. However, you still can’t ignore the importance of face to face contact. When you are talking to a person directly, chances of ignoring you reduce hugely. A person may ignore your emails, calls, texts or other forms of electronic communications but ignoring you live is a lot tougher and thus getting in direct contact is necessary.
8. Benefits Business: If you are a business owner or he manager of one, sending your staff to attend a conference benefits you in two ways.

            a)  Many people who will attend the conference will get to know about your business and hence your contacts will increase. You will also get an idea about how your competitors are advancing about their business and people will get to know about your outlook too which will make them interested in you.

              b) The process will boost the thinking process of your staff and enhance their morale hugely.

9. Job Of your Dreams: Are you looking for a change in your career? Don’t know how to start about? Just visit a conference on subjects you find interesting and are thinking of switching to. These conferences will host major companies and trends in the particular field. You will get to learn and gather knowledge about these trends and will be able to understand better about what you want out of your life. It also may happen that you come across the perfect job that you were looking for.

10. Fun Factor: The best part of attending the conference is all the fun you get out of it. All the events, inspiring speeches, workshops with new designs to explore, paper presentations with probable better solutions of existing problems and not to mention the panel discussions and social events where you get to meet new people who have the same ideology as yours. You can actually discuss your heart’s content with them. Also it is like a mini (but paid) vacation from your tedious everyday job.

These are ten of the best possible reasons which you can use to convince yourself and your office for sending you to a conference so that you can grow in your field. 

(P.S. ~ don’t mention the fun point to your office.)